Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This and That....

#1....We have a new baby! DD#2 gave birth on August 22, his name is Luke, he has red hair and I am in LOVE! I don't think she would like her brand new baby's pictures on my blog so you will just have to take my word for the fact that he is sooo awesome.

#2....We had our 5 year old GD here last week, the one that DD#1 shares with us. She is just too much. I only wish they lived a little closer. We managed to have some girl time, which both she and I love! In fact I have black toenails with white sticker flowers on them. I can only imagine getting that color off. :o)

#3....H no longer works for Lowe's! Can we say ALL RIGHTTTTT! He is working at a used car lot in the next little town over and loves it. He says it has ruined him. It boils down to he is happy with it so that works for me. Oh and he gets an hour for lunch every day so he comes home to take the real boss out to go potty. I've mentioned before that Toffey runs the house, and I promise I was no kidding.

#4....SWAPPING, it's getting close to SWAP time again. We don't start sewing until January so I'm putting together my list of what needs to be tested between now and then. The goal is to have the plan on paper before the end of the week.

#5....Today I am officially no longer 30 anything. I turned 40 at 12:01 am! Funny I don't feel any different than I did yesterday.

Well I'm off now to make my birthday dinner. I'll let y'all know how it is. If its a keeper I post the recipe later. Toodles....

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I know I've mentioned in the past I'm not what some might call a decisive person. However I don't think I have mentioned how I seem to lack patience when it comes to waiting for good things. "H's" youngest (now to known as #2DD) is due to have a little buddle of joy in the next couple weeks. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. "H's" oldest (now to be known as #1DD) has a little girl which we adore. They tell us the new baby from #2DD is going to be a boy and so we are tickled that we will have one of each to love and spoil. But I am getting antsy, the phone rings and I run for it. LOL It could be a long couple weeks. My boss tells me she will get me a couple days off so I can go to Austin but we'll see if that really happens. I'm working on some sewing and Christmas craft ideas so I will be posting more in the next week. Toodles for now!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

"100 Lists"....

The number 100 (or 101) keeps coming up in conversations, both in real time and in our blog world. Let me show you a couple for examples sake.

First there is ahhh sew . This a blog belonging to Austin in Florida. She has 101 things she wants to do in 1001 days. Now she credits Triplux :: 101 Things in 1001 Days (it took me three tries before this site opened). I find this terribly interesting.

Then you have Whatever is on my mind today . Now this blog belongs to Mamafitz. Part way down is a post that fills us in on 100 things about her.

Now lastly if you go to google and type in "100 Things" this is what you get 100 things - Google Search . But if you type in "101 Things" you get a little something different 101 things - Google Search .

About now I'm sure you may be wondering okay where on earth is she going with this? Well I think 100 is a nice number and I am currently working a few 100 lists of my own. Because I have no computer access at work I have a notebook that I have started these in and when I get to 100 I'll post each list. I find myself doing a lot of composing posts offline recently. Hmm why is that, do I see a greater need for a laptop?

Anyway here's what I have so far:

1.) 100 Reasons I love you....This is for the wise bossy one for Father's Day. He hates, I means dislikes when I spend money on him, now usually I ignore him and buy him what I want but I thought this might be perfect for him this year. I'm up to #78. On second thought this may be the only 100 List I don't publish. It's not racey, please this is me here, but he is pretty private and I don't think he would appreciate me putting it on my blog.

2.) 100 Things about Me....I think this is a great way to get to know someone. I've just joined a www swap and I could see where this would really a help a partner out.

3.) 100 Recipes to Try....No explanation needed except that I am forever finding a recipe I want to try but when I get ready I can't find it. So now I can list here. By listing either what notebook it's filed in or what cookbook its in I think I will be more motivated to try new things, preferably Weight Watchers friendly ones.

4.) 101 Things to do in 1001 days....Come on you didn't really think I was going pass something like this up did you?

5.) 100 Patterns to make....Giggle! Talk about kid in a candy store. Oh wait you mean I don't have to buy 100 new patterns. Well okay if you insist, I suppose I can use a few that have already.

This is certainly a good start. So tell me what "100 List" would you like to make?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

"The Simply Six or "The Elegant Eight"

The Simply Six" or "The Elegant Eight" Simply Six or Maybe Eight! After much thought and conversation at Stitcher's Guild Input Needed on Next project and research at Patternreview, I've come up with a set of patterns to work on this summer. I'm calling them "The Simply Six." However I composed this post offline, (remember the wise bossy one here to be known as "H" going forward (I love this about him, it's not meant to be derogatory) was using my computer) I'm now wavering on #1 & #6. Somehow #1 seems a little frumpy to me now, and #6 got some new competition. I believe I've mentioned I can be indecisive at times. :o) Well anyway here they are in order.

1.) Simplicity 5926 This is a link to a review of the pattern at Patternreview. It appears the pattern is now OOP. Sewing Patterns - Pattern Reviews for Simplicity Pattern - 5926 Fit Rules Blouse - Sewing & Sewing Pattern Reviews at Pattern...
WHY: Two reasons really I wear a lot of this type of basic used usually in place a jacket in hot weather and this pattern has fronts for B, C, and D cups, which should cut down my alterations in a first pattern.

2.) Simplicity 4276 Design Viewer view A sleeveless shell
WHY: I'll wear this under Simplicity 5926 & alone in the hottest parts of the summer. Yes I have fat arms and if someone is offended they shouldn't look. :o)

3.) Vogue 7883 VoguePatterns - V7883 - MISSES'/MISSES' PETITE TOP, SHORTS AND PANTS - 7883 view A.
WHY: It's cute, and something I would buy in RTW, and it's a bit of a challenge- okay more than a bit!

4.) Cutting Line #31371 One Seams pull on pants.
WHY: I want to make some summer linen pants, and these come highly recommended.

5.) Butterick 5050 Butterick - B5050 - MISSES' VEST, TOP, SKIRT AND PANTS - 5050 View A knit vest.
WHY: Again two reasons I have lots of sold tanks & I've been stashing, I mean collecting some really cute knits.

This one now has either three choices or there is a #7, & #8
6.) Loes Hinse #5106 Bolero Jacket Patterns by Company/Designer - Loes Hinse Designs - Bolero Jacket by Loes Hinse - LH-5106 ; Ragstock "All Around Jacket" SewingPatterns.com:::Saf-T-Pockets; and finally Indygo Junction Simple Swing Jacket Indygo Junction, Inc. Simple Swing Jacket.
WHY: I have wanted to make a jacket for a long time and if I'm going to be ready for "Timmel's SWAP 2008" I have to master this important piece.

So there you have it. These are truly going to be samples. I have 10+ yards of some sort linen/cotton that I got for $1 a yard at Wally's. It is PINK! I don't wear pink, ever. When I found the fabric I knew it was something I wouldn't fret about cutting into so I bought it all.On a separate note I have to have the front ports on my computer worked on so that I can post pictures, hopefully no later than next week. Now that's not to say I know how to post a picture but surely I can figure it out, right? This week I learned how to links to a post, how much harder could it be. LOL Of course I welcome comments.

Friday, June 1, 2007


I just joined my very first world wide web swap. I don't count all the swaps I've done with the Mary Engelbreit ladies because I know them in real life. I'll include a link in case anyone is interested in joining. It's all about orange and yellow, two of my favorite colors so I'm excited. Well I'm going to post this quickly because DSO, Howard is using my computer to take continuing education classes for his insurance business. I love him dearly so I will not fuss at having to share my computer. Tomorrow he's going to work so I will post my "Simply Six Samples." Oh and let's see if I can correctly post a link to that swap page. Toodles for now.

Sweet Goodness Swaps

Friday, May 4, 2007

DECISIONS....What to do next?

Some of you may be unaware of this interesting fact so of course I must clue you in to my secret...I have a bunch of really wonderful qualities. However making quick firm decisions is NOT one of them. What am I rambling about you ask? Well sewing of course. :o)

I know I want to do some Spring/Summer sewing but I don't know what I want to do. I was kinda dragging my feet because of my weight loss quest, (although we won't talk about results in that area at this moment)


Hmm I feel a lot like Veruca from Willy Wonka when she's running around whining about what she wants NOW, RIGHT NOW! Anyway I want to sew but I don't know where to start so I've come up with some choices and I thought I would let y'all help me decide. See how I got out of making that decision? Keeping in mind that I have no TNT patterns for my plus sized body and my fitting assiant is 1100 miles away in Ohio, (Thanks Mama!) I think I have become paralyzed with fear of fitting! Having said all that, here are the choices...


#1 Work on Lounge wear pieces that I talked about in my last post.
#2 Join the Summer SWAP sew along @ Stitcher's Guild Summertime SWAP Style Sewing
#3 Join the SWAP Contest @ Patternreview Contest Discussions >> SWAP contest 2007
#4 Pick a pattern for a basic top, pant, blouse, etc and work on those to get ready for next year's official swap.

OK, there you have it. Let me know what you think. Oh and thank you for saving me from pulling my hair out!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I am letting myself off the hook when it comes to this year's SWAP contest. For several reasons, the main one being I am physically exhausted. Both doctors had warned me that I would be this way once I returned to work but I felt so good two weeks after surgery I was sure I knew better. HA HA HA! I admit they were right and I was so wrong. Darn it I hate that! I do good to go to work and keep the kitchen clean. The second big reason is that I am in the process of losing 100 pounds. I ADORE my parents (I know everyone says this but I really do) but my family history is atrocious, with emphasis on heart disease and diabetes. Once I got my tonsils out and was able to breath again, I knew I could actually start exercising, and need to do something quickly. Oh I should add that both of my parents are small, (clearly I didn't get those genes) and yet deal with chronic health issues. So I joined Weight Watchers 1 month ago and have lost almost 11 pounds so far.

If I had the energy, I don't know that I would want to use some of my favorite pieces of fabric from my stash to sew clothes that are going to be too big very soon. Add to the fact that I have not sewn for my body in almost 10 years, mainly because I didn't want to do all the alterations that it would require. I usually sew crafts and gifts to get my sewing fix. However realistically I will be still be in the process of losing next year at this time and I do not intend to wait till the cows come home to sew for me! I've come up with a compromise that I think I can live with. I tossed around the idea of switching gears and doing a lingerie swap but I just don't want the pressure of a deadline right now to go with the weight loss, exhaustion, oh and extreme stress at work. So during the next 5 months I am going work on pjs, gowns, shorties, lounge wear and a robe. I still plan on at least 11 pieces and the twist will be that I'm thinking of trying to use regular patterns that I may be able to continue to size down as I shrink. I know my color scheme will be black and white and I want to have a pair of pj's and a gown done for my trip to Ohio in April. I have a trip to Hancock's planned for Thursday to look at patterns and such so I will post my new SWAP plan on Friday or Saturday. Oh I forgot to mention I am off work on Friday and Saturday and I am sewing something!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sunsets & Brights

Well I have fiddled and fiddled while recovering from surgery and this is what I hope is my final draft for swap. I know some may think the plan isn't exciting but it meets the contest rules, my personal requirements, and most importantly my style. I mean what good are 11 pieces you aren't going to wear?
My personal requirements are as follows:
1.) It must consist of pieces I will actually wear. I have a very active job that may require me to sit on the floor, climb a ladder, etc so everything needs to be comfortable. Then there is the heat factor, living in Texas of course summer is HOT, but our store is so under-air conditioned that I have to wear sleeveless just to function. At the same time I always take a blouse (in place of jacket) with me because I never know when I might get sent out into the community for something or another.
2.) To finish the swap, mainly because I seem to have lost my personal sewing spirit. I do crafts, gifts, and such but when it comes to something for me I end up not doing what I love to do....SEW!
3.) It needs to coordinate with pieces I already I have.

So this is what I finally ended up with.
1.) Jacket~Red Tencel~Butterick #3886 view B, must slightly lengthen
2.) Bottom~White Rayon~Cutting Line One Seams
3.) Bottom~Yellow Rayon~Cutting Line One Seams
4.) Bottom~Red Tencel~Cutting Line One Seams
5.) Bottom~Oyster Trousers~Bob Mackie~Purchased (need to shorten)
6.) Top~Sunset Stripe~Butterick #3886 view B, must slightly lengthen
7.) Top~Sunset Floral~ Simplicity #7189 view C
8.) Top~Sunset Fashion Print~Butterick #3886 view B, must slightly lengthen
9.) Top~White Rayon~Simplicity #7189 view C~reversible (0ne side will be embellished)
10.) Top~Yellow Rayon~Petite Plus #101 view D
11.) Top~Red Tencel~Petite Plus #101 view D

By only using four patterns I still feel like I can pull this off. Considering I have no TNT's I had to start somewhere and this seems somewhat realistic.

For those who may wonder what SWAP is I have included a link to Julie Timmel's site which has pictures from last year, this year's rules, and several articles about the original concept. timmelfabrics

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Giggle...I've been tagged by Carolyn at diaryofasewingfanatic ! I have to say this is the first smile that has crossed my face since last Friday morning when we arrived at the hospital for my tonsillectomy. The surgery is a whole different topic.

1.) Someone tags you.
2.) You post five things about yourself that you haven't already mentioned on your blog.
3.) You tag 5 people you'd like to know more about.

Now for 5 things you don't already know about me!
1.) I want to teach young women to sew. I'm speaking of basics of course because I'm definitely not an expert. In fact in the late 80's while attending Kent State University my major was Secondary Education-Home Economic's Education. I was in my second year when they notified us that the state of Ohio was no longer going require it for graduation, (of course that means the schools are going spend the money in other areas, thereby eliminating the courses in all but the largest schools). I got mono soon after that and had to take a break, I didn't go back because I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to teach.
2.) I have a 10 pound ball of poodle fur that is sitting next me that runs the lives of our whole house, he is currently scooping out the rest of the neighborhood to see who else he can con. He is such a joy and blessing. His name is Toffey or Bartoff if he is in trouble. He was rescued from no-kill shelter in August of 04', and I wouldn't take a million dollars for him.
3.) I LOVE to cook, and I hate to bake. OK, I don't hate to bake but I don't enjoy it either. I don't measure in the kitchen, maybe because I do so much of it in my sewing and crafting, so it's just not my cup of tea. If I bake something from scratch its for one of two reasons, someone I love is having a special/bad day, or I am craving Grandma food.
4.) I wear red every single Friday to show my love and support of our troops. Before anyone asks this has nothing to do with my view of world peace. It is merely because it is the right thing to do in my humble opinion and such a small thing.
5.) I am an information lush. If I catch a snippet of something on TV that sparks my interest I may spend hours or days researching it on the net. I love the fact that we have that option. A few of my prior searches...US mint The United States Mint , wonders of the world The Seven Wonders: Other monuments , the Titanic Titanic Passenger and Crew Research :: Encyclopedia Titanica , the Great Barrier Reef ,http://www.nationalgeographic.com/earthpulse/reef/reef1_flash.html and so on. Now as to who tag, I have no clue, so by all means let me know if anyone has been missed.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Winter in Texas...oh no!

Well I have to say Texas is having some rather unusual weather this week, cold and icey at the moment. In fact I'm home today because of the weather. Today was supposed to be my last day for two weeks since I am having surgery on Friday. A tonsillectomy at 39 years old...UGH! My Mama is flying in from Ohio tomorrow and will be here thru Tuesday morning to keep me company, that is if the weather will clear long enough for her to get here.

I know I won't feel like posting or sewing for that matter for the first few days but do plan to get some SWAP sewing done while I'm off. I would LOVE to get all the tops (6 tops, total) done for my SWAP while I'm off but I don't think that's too realistic so I'm goaling for two. I've been told by several people that this a painful surgery so time will tell what I'm actually up to. I do plan to post my swap plan before surgery on Friday. So more from me either tonight or tomorrow! Maybe by then it will be a little warmer since it is FREEZING right now.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Hey Y'all Welcome!

Hello from a somewhat damp North-East Texas! I promised myself I would check into what it took to set up a blog in the New Year. It seems all the ladies particpating in the "Timmel SWAP Contest 2007" have one but I honestly figured it would be way too complicated for someone that wasn't a computer wiz. Of course this is the very first post but so far I find it to be pretty basic. More to follow I'm sure!