#1....We have a new baby! DD#2 gave birth on August 22, his name is Luke, he has red hair and I am in LOVE! I don't think she would like her brand new baby's pictures on my blog so you will just have to take my word for the fact that he is sooo awesome.
#2....We had our 5 year old GD here last week, the one that DD#1 shares with us. She is just too much. I only wish they lived a little closer. We managed to have some girl time, which both she and I love! In fact I have black toenails with white sticker flowers on them. I can only imagine getting that color off. :o)
#3....H no longer works for Lowe's! Can we say ALL RIGHTTTTT! He is working at a used car lot in the next little town over and loves it. He says it has ruined him. It boils down to he is happy with it so that works for me. Oh and he gets an hour for lunch every day so he comes home to take the real boss out to go potty. I've mentioned before that Toffey runs the house, and I promise I was no kidding.
#4....SWAPPING, it's getting close to SWAP time again. We don't start sewing until January so I'm putting together my list of what needs to be tested between now and then. The goal is to have the plan on paper before the end of the week.
#5....Today I am officially no longer 30 anything. I turned 40 at 12:01 am! Funny I don't feel any different than I did yesterday.
Well I'm off now to make my birthday dinner. I'll let y'all know how it is. If its a keeper I post the recipe later. Toodles....