Sunday, July 26, 2009


I am so tickled with myself it is just wrong! I can't believe I did this without anyone holding my hand! My three favorite colors in one blog background, gotta' luv it! Thanks to Izzie Grace Blog Backgrounds. Truthfully I needed a little victory this week. More about victories in a minute.
Both "H" & I came down with the what-ever the heck bug it is going around these days. Let's just say I wouldn't wish it on someone I didn't like, let alone my family, friends, or co-workers. I lost 8 pounds in 36 hours but strongly suggest you don't try it for yourself, if you can avoid it. In the process though I missed two days of work, which doesn't make me happy at all. I still LOVE my job!
Speaking of victories....has anyone else ever heard of a "Victory List"? I have no idea where I first heard of it but I got out of the habit and will be re-implementing that into my daily life. It's basically a list of the accomplishments that will bring a smile to your face for those days when you need a pick me up. I will certainly put figuring out how to change my blog background down as one, oh and a month or so ago I saved a little turtle from being squished on the road. You get the idea, so what's on your "Victory List"?