Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wonder if I could pull this off and I want this!

I've been reading a blog about a lady in the UK who pledged to spend no new money on clothes for 365 days. That is a long time. While I know I need to embrace that challenge I don't know if its even a possibility for me. I LOVE clothes. Of course I do know how to sew and I could certainly use my stash of fabric to sew some new things. In addition there is a boat load of clothes I'm ready to get rid of and I can use that money for some new things. Her blog is here It certainly has me thinking. I do need some new cool professional clothes that I won't roast in at graveside services this summer.

I also found this amazing purse. What a fabulous idea. Why oh why didn't I think of that? I need this purse. I bet I could make additional covers for it on the cheap. Here's the link to the website. I looked on ebay and I can get it cheaper there and still earn points.
