Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sunsets & Brights

Well I have fiddled and fiddled while recovering from surgery and this is what I hope is my final draft for swap. I know some may think the plan isn't exciting but it meets the contest rules, my personal requirements, and most importantly my style. I mean what good are 11 pieces you aren't going to wear?
My personal requirements are as follows:
1.) It must consist of pieces I will actually wear. I have a very active job that may require me to sit on the floor, climb a ladder, etc so everything needs to be comfortable. Then there is the heat factor, living in Texas of course summer is HOT, but our store is so under-air conditioned that I have to wear sleeveless just to function. At the same time I always take a blouse (in place of jacket) with me because I never know when I might get sent out into the community for something or another.
2.) To finish the swap, mainly because I seem to have lost my personal sewing spirit. I do crafts, gifts, and such but when it comes to something for me I end up not doing what I love to do....SEW!
3.) It needs to coordinate with pieces I already I have.

So this is what I finally ended up with.
1.) Jacket~Red Tencel~Butterick #3886 view B, must slightly lengthen
2.) Bottom~White Rayon~Cutting Line One Seams
3.) Bottom~Yellow Rayon~Cutting Line One Seams
4.) Bottom~Red Tencel~Cutting Line One Seams
5.) Bottom~Oyster Trousers~Bob Mackie~Purchased (need to shorten)
6.) Top~Sunset Stripe~Butterick #3886 view B, must slightly lengthen
7.) Top~Sunset Floral~ Simplicity #7189 view C
8.) Top~Sunset Fashion Print~Butterick #3886 view B, must slightly lengthen
9.) Top~White Rayon~Simplicity #7189 view C~reversible (0ne side will be embellished)
10.) Top~Yellow Rayon~Petite Plus #101 view D
11.) Top~Red Tencel~Petite Plus #101 view D

By only using four patterns I still feel like I can pull this off. Considering I have no TNT's I had to start somewhere and this seems somewhat realistic.

For those who may wonder what SWAP is I have included a link to Julie Timmel's site which has pictures from last year, this year's rules, and several articles about the original concept. timmelfabrics

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Giggle...I've been tagged by Carolyn at diaryofasewingfanatic ! I have to say this is the first smile that has crossed my face since last Friday morning when we arrived at the hospital for my tonsillectomy. The surgery is a whole different topic.

1.) Someone tags you.
2.) You post five things about yourself that you haven't already mentioned on your blog.
3.) You tag 5 people you'd like to know more about.

Now for 5 things you don't already know about me!
1.) I want to teach young women to sew. I'm speaking of basics of course because I'm definitely not an expert. In fact in the late 80's while attending Kent State University my major was Secondary Education-Home Economic's Education. I was in my second year when they notified us that the state of Ohio was no longer going require it for graduation, (of course that means the schools are going spend the money in other areas, thereby eliminating the courses in all but the largest schools). I got mono soon after that and had to take a break, I didn't go back because I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to teach.
2.) I have a 10 pound ball of poodle fur that is sitting next me that runs the lives of our whole house, he is currently scooping out the rest of the neighborhood to see who else he can con. He is such a joy and blessing. His name is Toffey or Bartoff if he is in trouble. He was rescued from no-kill shelter in August of 04', and I wouldn't take a million dollars for him.
3.) I LOVE to cook, and I hate to bake. OK, I don't hate to bake but I don't enjoy it either. I don't measure in the kitchen, maybe because I do so much of it in my sewing and crafting, so it's just not my cup of tea. If I bake something from scratch its for one of two reasons, someone I love is having a special/bad day, or I am craving Grandma food.
4.) I wear red every single Friday to show my love and support of our troops. Before anyone asks this has nothing to do with my view of world peace. It is merely because it is the right thing to do in my humble opinion and such a small thing.
5.) I am an information lush. If I catch a snippet of something on TV that sparks my interest I may spend hours or days researching it on the net. I love the fact that we have that option. A few of my prior searches...US mint The United States Mint , wonders of the world The Seven Wonders: Other monuments , the Titanic Titanic Passenger and Crew Research :: Encyclopedia Titanica , the Great Barrier Reef , and so on. Now as to who tag, I have no clue, so by all means let me know if anyone has been missed.